1. The foundation will work mainly to shape a tolerant society with special focus on counter- terrorism, hate crime by holding lecture seminars, initiate religious and non-religious events and programs.
  2. In order to promote peace and harmony between culture and society home and abroad, SSF aims to teach scholars to prevent terror ideology, host events, talk shows, newspaper article. Upholding the Bengali culture at the same time, the organization aspires to teach the values of Islamic and Sufi Heritage.
  3. The foundation aims to contribute towards sustainable economic development by facilitating youth initiatives through various seminars, events and research work enabling the positive energy of the young population. To optimize the impact both locally and globally, the foundation will also reach the actor groups.
  4. Create awareness through extensive research and in-depth case studies on national development and disseminate such information to the general public that is deemed to be of national, economic and social interests by carrying out humanitarian and charitable programs and also organizing various educational, cultural, heritage and religious care programs.
  5. Work for women empowerment and establish equal rights through various social, religious and public activities.
  6. To provide formal and non- formal education, day care, vocational training, diploma and other financial assistance to the under-privileged people.
  7. Conduct detailed research, undertake case in-depth studies, conduct policy advocacies, organize and arrange policy dialogues, initiate advocacy dialogues with duty bearers run awareness programs for promotion of youth-led initiatives also different citizen led initiatives with a focus on youth, children, women and socially excluded groups like people with disabilities, religion-ethnic minority and people affected by terrorism and violence.
  8. The Foundation also aspires to introduce and pursue programs on climate education, climate and cultural education, climate and health care issues, climate and social issues, climate and disaster managements programs including fire safety and compliance programs.
  9. Work in partnership with pro-Bangladeshi public, private or NGO partners. Receive, manage, monitor and disburse funds like challenge funds, crowd funding projects, public funds and funds from national international donors and even individual sponsors to develop communities, villages, CBOs, NGOs, grassroots associations, people’s alliances, clubs, platforms groups and other initiatives ultimately contributing towards a happy, prosperous and wealthy Bangladesh.
  10. To interact, cooperate and maintain a regular communication with the other similar national and international agencies. The Foundation will regularly prepare and publish different reports on current activities. Occasionally the Foundation will also coordinate with the co-operative Societies, Ministry of Social Welfare, NGO Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and other Governmental Organizations to accelerate poverty alleviation programs through evaluation of its program.
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